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MSHSAA Activities - Why We Play

Camdenton High School is a proud member of the Missouri State High School Activities Association. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to experience various extracurricular experiences that challenge them where they are, and expand their understanding and appreciation of their potential.  Coaches and parents often discuss the way student involvement in extracurricular activities “builds character.” Most know that any value gained through activities does not simply happen but instead must be provided by others and earned by the student.  

Through the cycle of goal-setting, action-planning, competing, and reassessing goals, our students learn to coach themselves.  On the athletic side, goals range from short-term contest goals to long-term goals including season-long or career improvement. Athletics provides the convenience of scoreboards and statistics to help coaches and athletes objectively track progress in certain areas but the most powerful aspect of competition for students appears to be more personal. Activities can provide an inescapable window to one's own work ethic. The more one personally commits to an activity the more honest one must be with oneself and the harder one must work to satisfy their own expectations. With such hard work comes the realization that more can be accomplished, goals must be increased, and self-confidence becomes rooted in that ability to work.  Consequently, setbacks in sports, activities, class, relationships, and in life become challenges to meet with work toward a goal. In high school, the experience of pitting oneself against another, making individual adjustments on the move, thinking strategically for the team, leaning on and supporting teammates, adjusting to officials, respecting opponents for the competition they provide as well as taking pride in your own role as an opponent and using those experiences to adjust training, inform teammates, and refine goals is a powerful and transferable skill for students.  An adult who can self-assess, plan ahead, accept mistakes, communicate, and improve plans makes for a valuable employee, spouse, friend, and or parent. The Camdenton Athletic Department seeks to push extracurricular participants toward deeper commitments to their chosen activities and the results possible from those experiences. 

The Laker community supports our students through fantastic facilities, supplies, uniforms, and fan participation at contests or performances.  Our students are blessed to experience extracurricular activities as a Laker and we are thankful to our community for the continuing support.


Camdenton is happy to welcome the many transfer students we are seeing this year. Any wishing to be eligible for sports and activities must have an athletic transfer approved by the MSHSAA. Contact the appropriate office for information.